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Onafhankelijk nieuws van de Hogeschool Rotterdam

What’s the professional education student called? Take the quiz!

Gepubliceerd: 16 April 2015 • Leestijd: 1 minuten en 42 seconden • English Dit artikel is meer dan een jaar oud.

Do you know what the degree of a professional education student will read? Take the quiz! Will a commercial economist be a Bachelor of Arts? A Bachelor of Business Administration? A Bachelor of Science? Or – perhaps – a Bachelor of Commerce?

Those poor HBO (professional education) students. If they wanted to cross the borders with their degree, they were met by a wall of blank incomprehension. In foreign countries, everyone was clueless about those degrees the Dutch had come up with for their graduates. So politicians thought: we can do this differently and take a more international approach.

It took a while, but eventually, even universities resigned themselves to it. Many professional education students would get an addition to their degree that was previously only reserved for university graduates. They become a Bachelor of arts or a Bachelor of science.

But this doesn’t apply to everyone. All kinds of additions that professional education students can put behind their bachelor’s degree have been thought of. How matter-of-course are these additions, really? Check how many you can guess.


What can graduates of the following study programs call themselves?
1. Commercial Economics
a. Bachelor of Arts
b. Bachelor of Business Administration
c. Bachelor of Science
d. Bachelor of Commerce

  1. Facility Management
    a. Bachelor of Arts
    b. Bachelor of Business Administration
    c. Bachelor of Science
    d. Bachelor of Engineering
  2. SME Business Management
    a. Bachelor of Arts
    b. Bachelor of Business Administration
    c. Bachelor of Science
    d. Bachelor of Engineering
  3. Physiotherapist Program
    a. Bachelor of Arts
    b. Bachelor of Business Administration
    c. Bachelor of Science
    d. Bachelor of Health
  4. Nursing Program
    a. Bachelor of Arts
    b. Bachelor of Nursing
    c. Bachelor of Science
    d. Bachelor of Health
  5. Autonomous Fine Arts:
    a. Bachelor of Arts
    b. Bachelor of Fine Arts
    c. Bachelor of Culture
    d. Bachelor of Science
  6. Game Architecture & Design
    a. Bachelor of Arts
    b. Bachelor of Fine Arts
    c. Bachelor of Engineering
    d. Bachelor of Science
  7. Tax Law & Economics
    a. Bachelor of Arts
    b. Bachelor of Business Administration
    c. Bachelor of Science
    d. Bachelor of Laws
  8. Social Legal Services
    a. Bachelor of Arts
    b. Bachelor of Business Administration
    c. Bachelor of Science
    d. Bachelor of Laws
  9. Cultural and Social Development
    a. Bachelor of Arts
    b. Bachelor of Business Administration
    c. Bachelor of Social Work
    d. Bachelor of Laws

Correct answers: 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c, 5b, 6b, 7d, 8c, 9d, 10c.

Curious about the addition of your own study program? Click here. Agreements were made between institutes for higher professional education and education inspection body NVAO with regard to the pace at which the new additions will be introduced. Note that, if they can make a good case for it, programs can be given a different addition during the ‘accreditation’ conducted every six years.

This quiz was originally published in Dutch on February 8, 2015.

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