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Onafhankelijk nieuws van de Hogeschool Rotterdam

9 HR students pay ‘tuition fees’ in response to phishing email

Gepubliceerd: 29 January 2016 • Leestijd: 1 minuten en 6 seconden • English Dit artikel is meer dan een jaar oud.

To date, we are aware of nine students who paid tuition fees in response to a phishing email last Friday claiming to be sent by the Students Service Centre (SSC) of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Phishing - kenneth Lu - Flickr klein

This is according to a spokesperson from Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences who commented on the email apparently sent to the HR email accounts of ‘almost a hundred’ students from This is the email address of someone attempting to obtain money through this phishing email.

‘Manual transaction’
The subject of the email reads ‘Note: change to Collection of tuition fees for the 2015/2016 academic year′ in which the sender requests students to pay the tuition fees manually. ‘Although the email looks as though it originates from the university, it was not sent by us. In other words, it is a so-called phishing email,’ explains the spokesperson.
The email arrived a day after students had received a genuine email about tuition fees in which Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences notified students that tuition fees would be collected in the usual way.

Reporting to the police
In consultation with the police, the university is considering whether the nine students who were defrauded should report the matter individually, or collectively. The spokesperson: ‘We are liaising with all the students who were scammed and will support and assist them in reclaiming the money.’
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences has informed all students about the phishing email via email and via Hint, with an urgent request not to respond and to delete the email.

Students who have queries or doubts about whether emails are genuine can contact the Students Service Centre of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. The correct email address of the SSC is: The phone number is +31 (0)10 – 794 4200.

Jos van Nierop

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