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6 januari 2025

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Onafhankelijk nieuws van de Hogeschool Rotterdam

What is going on? Everyone is wearing an RBS hoodie…

Gepubliceerd: 21 December 2017 • Leestijd: 1 minuten en 12 seconden • English Dit artikel is meer dan een jaar oud.

They are all wearing the same hoodie, one of those college sweaters from the RBS (Rotterdam Business School). But why? What do these students at the Kralingse Zoom location have in common?

6 minor-studenten lopen van de trap op locatie Kralingse Zoom; allemaal dragen ze een blauwe RBS-trui, met de rode letters R, B en S erop

Who are you, what’s the reason for this hoodie?

Kasper: ‘This top is part of our IBaC minor, international business and career. We were given it because we are an especially fun group, ha-ha.’

It seems that this hoodie also shows that you are proud of RBS…

Hugo: ‘Yes, and that’s particularly true for the foreign students who take part in the minor. It’s almost like a Harvard College sweater, proof that you studied here.’

Is that true, Cecilia (from Italy, red.)?

Cecilia: ‘Yes, I’m happy to wear it! It indicates that you belong to something.’

Is it a good minor?

Cecilia: ‘Definitely! It was very practical, hands-on and useful. This was the first time I worked on a real case. Universities in Italy mostly deal with theory and there is no involvement in the business world.’

Which companies are involved in this minor?

Kasper: ‘A Mexican guy who imports food, Dancelife who sell dance clothing – we had to devise a new sales strategy for them – and a company that wants to organise the ultimate New Year’s party. You could choose one of those three companies.’

So you are working with students from all over the globe …

Kasper: ‘Yes, that is the nice thing about it, and it teaches you a lot. There are lots of different people in the Netherlands alone, but the mentality of people from other continents is generally very different again. Asians are often not very full of initiative, but very good at executing a task. Presentations? They are really very thorough when preparing those.’

Is the minor finished now?

Kasper: ‘This project finishes next week; the minor is finished in January.’


Jos van Nierop

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