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25 oktober 2024

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Onafhankelijk nieuws van de Hogeschool Rotterdam

Things you really need to know as a first-year student at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (HR)

Gepubliceerd: 4 September 2019 • Leestijd: 3 minuten en 54 seconden • English Dit artikel is meer dan een jaar oud.

When will my next holiday be, who can I turn to if I need help, and what if I don’t like my study programme? Profielen magazine found the answers for you.

1 Download the HR app

From September, you can download the brand-new HR app in your own app store (Apple and Android). The app enables you to view your current schedule and grades.

HR-app voor roosters en cijfers na de zomer in de appstore

An app which enables HR students to view their current schedule and their latest grades will be launched in September. Over the coming months, the app will be extended with more functionalities.


2 Bookmark Hint

Maybe a bit of a boring tip, but a very useful one indeed: bookmark, because this is a site you are going to need. Hint is the HR intranet site on which you will receive your student mail and where you can find the latest news about your study programme, as well as useful information about the university of applied sciences.


3 START at the library

As from this academic year, you can find all library materials (both on paper and digital) through the STudy And Research Tool (START). You can also make reservations and review your borrowed books using this system. The old library catalogue will disappear at the launch of START.


4 Money stuff

Studying costs money. Studying fulltime for one year will cost you €2,083, an amount that you (or, for example, your parents) pay through Studielink. You can pay a lump sum or five instalments, whichever suits you better. Students starting in higher education for the first time in this academic year (2019 – 2020) pay € 1,041. If you study at the primary education teacher-training college or follow a teacher-training course, you will pay half the fee in your second year as well.

Collegegeld 2020-2021 met 60 euro flink omhoog

During your study you are entitled to a student travel product providing you with free public transport at the weekend or during the week. This costs € 95.51 per month, but that amount will become a gift if you graduate within ten years. If you fail to do so, you will have to repay the costs for using the card. You can check the terms and conditions on the DUO site.

If your parents have a low income, you may be entitled to a supplementary grant. Go to for additional information.


5 Help wanted!

Though everybody says that your student years are the best years of your life, it may be quite a hassle from time to time. A new study programme with all responsibilities that come with it may cause a lot of stress. And if you are stressed, it is good to know that there are people out there who can help you. Because there are such people at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Your first point of contact is your study career coach. If you have any questions or issues concerning your education or study programme, we advise you to contact your study career coach.
The counsellor is the right person in case of problems of a more personal nature. Counsellors are advisers who can help to with e.g. study planning, depressive complaints, financial problems, your legal position or your choice of study. You can find everything you need to know about the student counselling service on this Hint page.

If you are looking for help from fellow students, you can also drop by at Student in Action (“Student aan Zet”). Are you a studying parent, an informal caregiver, a refugee student, are you from the Caribbean islands or are you studying with a disability and would you like to talk about it with other experience experts? They can help you at Student in Action.

Deze peercoaches weten écht hoe jij je voelt

In addition to experience experts, Student in Action also employs professionals who provide workshops, electives, meetings and personal support for the students. You can find Student in Action at the Museumpark location, room MP.H00.050, or send an email to


6 What to do if you don’t like your study programme

Sometimes a study programme does not quite meet your expectations. It happens. In consultation with your study career coach and/or counsellor you can look for another HR study programme that suits you better and if you don’t wait too long, maybe you can switch.

If you deregister in Studielink before 1 September, you will not owe any tuition fee for the upcoming academic year. After that date, you owe a tuition fee for the months during which you have been registered.
If you discontinue your study programme before 1 February and this is the first year for which you receive study finance in higher education, the Education Executive Agency (Dutch DUO) will turn your student travel product and any supplementary grant into a gift.

But let’s hope it will not come to that. After all, it is not what you expect to happen when you embark on your study programme.


7 Holidays!

The academic year has only just begun, but with the summer holidays still fresh in your mind it is good to know when you can have a week off again. As from this academic year, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences does not have a general holiday schedule, but each study programme determines its own holidays and blocks. If you want to know your holidays and blocks, check out the academic calendar or the annual planning of your study programme or contact the Administration Office.


8 Follow Profielen

Profielen magazine is the independent news medium of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. On this site (, be sure to bookmark it) we post news, blogs and background information every day. In addition, we publish a Profielen special issue four times a year. You can find the latest magazine in the magazine racks at your school and online.

We are also active on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and will be happy to have you following us.

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