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20 april 2024

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Onafhankelijk nieuws van de Hogeschool Rotterdam

Significantly more refugees attend higher education

Gepubliceerd: 1 June 2017 • Leestijd: 1 minuten en 3 seconden • English Dit artikel is meer dan een jaar oud.

Increasingly, refugees continue on to higher education and secondary vocational education. Last year, the Foundation for Refugee Students UAF received 2,100 applications: 50 percent more than in 2015. The Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Rotterdam – HR) also so an increase in the number of refugee students: from 35 in the 2015/16 academic year to 70 students currently.

Refugees can contact the UAF for help with choosing a study programme, finding a job and financial support. Of the 2,100 refugees who applied in 2016, slightly less than half received support. Two thirds of the applicants came from Syria. Other countries of origin are Iran, Eritrea and Afghanistan.

Not everyone who receives support can start attending classes immediately. Last year a total of more than 2,400 students were counselled by the UAF, but the majority (1,113) was still being prepped for a future study programme. They are being taught Dutch and other preparatory subjects.

46 percent studies at higher vocational level

Of all the students (912), 30 percent attended a study programme at university level, 46 percent at higher vocational level and 24 percent at secondary vocational level. Fields of study such as information technology, natural sciences & technology, care and welfare services, and economics were especially popular. In addition, the UAF provided support to a further 437 graduates on their way to the labour market.

An estimated one third of all more educated refugees in the Netherlands calls on the UAF. In both 2017 and 2018, the Foundation wants to accept 1,500 new students.

70 refugee students at the HR

In 2015 the HR signed a covenant with the UAF regarding better support of refugee students. At the time, Hilde Valentin, HR lecturer in Dutch and Dutch as a second language, expressed the hope that more students would take up studying at the HR, ‘because they are more than welcome’. That hope has been realised. The HR, too, has seen the number of refugee students double from one year to the next, from 35 to 70.



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